
Welcome to
Friendship Church Outreach Ministry, one church reaching a nation, where the Jesus in us loves the Jesus in you. At Friendship, we welcome all to become a part of "our preaching the gospel, taking off the limits, building an infrastructure, and enlarging God's territory for the Kingdom of God”!.

Our Mission Statement


Reaching and preaching for Jesus with the reward of souls being won to the Kingdom of God; showing ourselves friendly through the power of love; equipping the believer for the work of the ministry.


Our Vision

Friendship Church Outreach Ministry is a family of believers who strive to support and nurture one another as we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. The nurturing begins with warmly welcoming visitors and new members into our congregation, as the Jesus in us loves the Jesus in others. We want to be known more for our love than our programs. We aim to be a church of love, worship, outreach, evangelism and discipleship.




Verse of the Day

34My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
Psalm 89:34

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